Security alerts, updates and solutions to keep you content management system safe from attacks.

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Security Updates

Security alerts, updates and solutions to keep
you content management system safe from attacks.

CMS (Content Management Systems) systems are created to allow users to easily create and edit content on web sites from the public interface. Unfortunately, making the interface public attracts hackersĀ  looking for new ways to access and exploit web sites. Most attacks are spam related. I.e. the hack alters the web site allowing spam to be sent to the database of users, or the site content is altered showing links or information that the hacker wants to market or show.

It's our opinion that the "pro", of having easy content management and cost savings of being able to have internal personnel do simple updates to your web site instead of paying programmers outweighs the "con". The trick to safely maintaining a CMS system is to keep up with the updates. So if you choose a content management system, just know you also must keep it updated. It's pretty simple really!

While this is by no means a complete list, below are some of the latest security and version update notices. We will be happy to assist you in updating Joomla, Mambo, WordPress or any other content management system you may be utilizing. Call us today for a quote.

Joomla Security News

Drupal Security News

WordPress Security News

Please keep in mind that just because one solution reports more security or version updates it does not mean that the solution is more vulnerable, it just means their security department is actively monitoring and updating the solution.
